Relationships are everything!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s only fair to share…
As you know, I am passionate and helping people in intimate relationships rediscover and increase their passion. Below are a few examples of what I do:
- I see couples in person and via Skype to help them overcome their barriers to nurturing, alive relationships
- I do teleseminars and occasion live workshops to educate and enlighten people about their interpersonal power to make a difference in their relationships.
- I develop information materials such as books, cd’s and downloadable products about relationships so that you can listen and watch conveniently and as many times as you want.
- I take the time to nurture my own 30-year marriage and do my best to walk my talk.
I do this because relationships are everything!
By paying attention to the connections around me there are easy ways to create meaningful and mutually beneficial situations right in front of me that I’m determined not to pass up.
Here’s why I’m sharing this with you:
It’s insanely clear to me the power and impact relationships have to make or break your life!
Literally, in everything we do there is an opportunity to create more meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.
Here’s why it’s imperative you pay attention to the relationships in your life starting NOW!
- studies show that your health and the length of your life are directly linked to the level of meaningful connections you have with others, pets and the world around you.
- the level of connections you have with others is also correlated to the amount of money in your bank account; and
- your hardest relationship offers you the lessons you need to grow and move to where you want to be with ease
- and it doesn’t stop there…
Here’s the deal: there is a speaker’s series happening now that will teach you all you need to get the most out of your relationships – it’s called “Maximize Your Platonic, Personal and Professional Relationships Live!“
Here’s a quick summary: Over three weeks you’ll get access to 30 speakers as we discuss exercises you can do in less than 30 minutes a day to create meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships in 3 areas of your life.
Week 1: we discuss platonic relationships and lay the foundation for how you can ensure you get the most out of this series.
Week 2: we discuss how to maximize romantic relationships whether it’s with the person you are dating, married to or separated from – there are opportunities to grow, learn and expand in each that we miss all the time. (Of course that is when my interview airs).
Week 3: we discuss how to maximize relationships for professional development and achievement.
This is the quickest and easiest way I know to get you this insanely powerful information!
Join me and learn ways to maximize the relationships in your life right now!
My interview airs on July 17th. What is the blessing and lesson that is here for you? You’ll never know unless you join me: Click here.
The event started July 6th but you can still join us. You’ll have full access to all the interviews until August 2. Take full advantage – there’s nothing like this out there
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