Trying to figure out how to heal from betrayal? Consider Coaching…

When I experienced betrayal in my marriage, I was desperate for help. I started seeing a therapist hoping she could bring me some relief from the pain I was feeling. I went to therapy every week for several months. It was helpful. But I still felt I needed something more. I enrolled in an online program for betrayed spouses. I appreciated the support I received but I still had so much healing to do and not a lot of direction for what to do next.
Then I was introduced to thought coaching. A dear friend of mine was offering a class on thought work and I decided to enroll. It changed everything for me. First, I learned how to truly process the emotions I was feeling. I also learned that my runaway thoughts were creating more pain than was necessary. I realized that I was assigning meaning to the events of the betrayal that weren’t necessarily true. I was allowing the betrayal to affect my self-worth. My coach helped me see the thought patterns that were creating problems for me. Just having that awareness made a huge difference.
Did it make all the pain go away? No. I still had to work through and process pain, but once I was able to recognize the unproductive thoughts, I was able to change them and real healing started to take place.
- Coaching focuses on the stories you are telling yourself right now.
- Coaching focuses on you.
When you learn that you are in charge of your thoughts and feelings, it’s incredibly empowering. Many betrayed partners are waiting for the unfaithful partner to change. To heal them. To make them feel safe again. Of course, the unfaithful partner has work to do, but what many betrayed partners fail to realize is that they also have work to do that only they can do for themselves. The key to healing is in your own mind.
Join me for a free consultation via Zoom to find out if coaching is a good fit for you.
I can coach you from anywhere in the world!
Let me help you on your road to healing.
Kristin Romney
Published in Courses, Personal, Relationship