How Do You Influence The People You Love And Admire

We all have individuals, celebrities, family members and friends and yes, even Jesus that we look up to – but why do we see them in such a different light than we do others? The people that I admire (my kids) have what I want (freedom, they live in the moment, they are at peace, do not worry about much, are taken care of and the list goes on) and set the example for other people and do not even know it because of their age. However, there are others such as celebrities that intentionally have different views so others will like them and want to inspire them to be a certain way. Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, took away our sins, and taught us a specified way of life that is a holy way to live – and many are attracted to this lifestyle. Influencing people is much easier than you realize and I will explain in detail how others are successful at it.
The people we love and admire have special qualities that we look up to and at times want to emulate because we see the results that those characteristical traits bring forth. For example, the family member than turns the other cheek when yelled at and will not engage in harmful and destructive conversations. The patient child than always waits their turn for activities and grooming in the mornings or prior to bedtime. The child that studies even when they do not want to so, they can get a good grade on their exam. Being an example is the greatest way to influence people and show the ones you love the most how they should be. When we use our actions instead of words, they instill more meaning because no matter what you say people will do what you do. Life lessons are often learned by trial and error, doing and then receiving. We absolutely set the stage for our loved ones by being the best version of ourselves and allowing them to choose on their own if we are a good model to replicate behaviors that are positively influencing. A good heart, a sound mind, positive actions that equal what we say we will do, making sacrifices, motivating others, and keeping our promises will surely reap rewards for years to come. One of the ways I directly influence my children is to pray for others aloud and before each meal. I do not have to do anything but my words will resonate with them and I am sure they will eventually duplicate my prayers in their life. For now when an ambulance drives past or fire trucks whale their sirens, I pause, pray out loud for people’s life and declare that God spare them their life. I am positive my prayers are heard by not only God but also the innocent passengers in my car that are listening to everything I say and hearing every word I speak so they too can become global leaders and change other’s lives one small proactive decision at a time.
Celebrities also influence others athletic capabilities, beating overwhelming odds, display musical talents that cannot be replicated by just anyone, life stories of success to motivate the lazy, support missions and charity organizations, showing perseverance through the most difficult endeavors, beating the naysayers voices of negativity, standing up for what is right not doing what is easy and so many more examples. We look up to these types of people because their lives seem glorified by fame, fortune and money. What we don’t see is the restless nights, hungry stomachs, loneliness, unhappiness of rejection and failed attempts at success, the divorce battles, custody heartaches, family issues that are magnified due to fame and the time and dedication of what it takes to make it at the celebrity elite level. Somehow, they seem to greatly influence people all over the world all the while making millions and glorifying their unsettled lives.
I encourage you to be your own fine example for your loved ones and even people you do not know. We never know who will fall in love with the real us. Always be authentically yourself and the right people will gravitate to your life and stay because you have what they want or are attracted to you for the examples you set. Admire people for the right reasons and others will admire you for the same and your greatness will be recognized and remembered. Create a vision, step into your power, and take massive action for powerful results. Follow me on Facebook at Kelly Benamati and Instagram at KellyMasterOfLife, for more inspiration!
Published in Relationship