How Do You Make Others Around You Feel Happy?

How often do you think about helping someone else? Does it ever cross your mind when you see someone upset, depressed, crying or mad to brighten them up in some way, shape or form? Today everyone’s lives are busy and people seem to be on the go quite often. We overlook others that need us and then we get upset when we need the help and it isn’t reciprocated. We live in a world where materialistic items matter and feelings and side effects often do not. We try to keep up with the next generation instead of being like Mother Teresa or Princess Diana. How can we change as a society and individually to make other people feel good and ensure they are happy when they need it most?
Here are some very simplified ways to cheer others up and make them feel happy even if they are already happy in the moment or for the time being. One of the most simple ways is to smile at a stranger or give them a kind compliment to brighten their attitude and increase their mood immediately. Tell your children you love them and are thinking of them and how important they are to you. Write a note in your significant others lunch or call them just to say hi. You can purchase small items like flowers, a sweet card or find positive quotes and email them or post them to your social media sites to impact more than one person at a time. I find it really nice when I open an email and there is an attachment for dinner or an invite to a party or get together. You can easily make others around you feel happy just by being happy yourself. Your uplifting mood and attitude with rub off on others and they will begin to feel how you feel at any given moment. You can also reach out for help in building a business and practicing what you are passionate about, as that always makes people professionally feel accomplished and internally happy as well. Keeping things simple such as our schedules, night time routines, less arguing and more compromising, preparing easy meals and watching less TV and actually spending quality time with your loved ones all increase happiness and enhance our moods positively. Keeping our lives as easy as can be typically seems to make people feel less stressed, therefore increasing happiness and ensuring we live healthier lives.
Often times people tend to complicate life more than it needs to be and really making others happy doesn’t take much time or effort to positively increase someone else’s happiness. Remember the next time you see someone else that needs a boost, just ask how can you help and often times that’s all that is needed for us to feel a bit happier knowing we are not alone. You can make a significant difference if you try and know it’s all up to you. I believe in you and don’t forget to take small steps each day to increase your happiness as well, because you also matter! Step into your power and take massive actions for powerful results and always be authentically you.
Published in Personal, Relationship