Lisa Knudson, LCSW, PLLC
Name | Lisa Knudson, LCSW, PLLC |
Nickname | lisa-knudson-lcsw-pllc |
Title | Relationship Therapist |
Phone # | |
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Description | Relationship Therapist with over 20 years experience supporting individuals who are struggling with a transition in their relationships to include a break up, divorce or death in the family. Lisa’s latest endeavor is to help High School seniors relieve the stress and anxiety they experience prior to launching off to College. Moving away from a life that is comfortable and familiar with family and friends to an unfamiliar and often scary world where teens may not know a soul, can be a daunting experience for many. Lisa helps teens to process their feelings, and provides support and guidance on how to deal with anxiety through Mindfulness and Self-esteem building techniques. Lisa enjoys helping older teens and young adults (age 16-26) who are struggling with personal decisions that may be embarrassing to talk about with people they know. Some areas of interest include relationship problems, fear of failure or anxiety about starting a new career. Lisa’s vision is to help teach teens/young adults to make healthy choices that they can feel comfortable with as they navigate the waters of Adulthood. |
Type | Premium |