Are You Too Picky?

You’ve been online for years it seems. Friends, co-workers and even family members are commenting about your lackluster love-life saying you’re way too picky. Are you really? Or are you playing it safe?
You don’t want to settle, but women with this mantra remain single, unhappy and unmarried.
First of all, we need to establish a baseline. How many dates have you had in the past month? How about the past year? If you answer none, you’re being too picky. It is easy to set our standards high looking for someone “perfect,” for us. But is there such a thing as perfect? No one is perfect. Each of us has flaws. The older we are the more baggage we bring to the party for both men and women. We can’t judge a book by its cover any more than we can look at prospective dates’ online photo and “know” who they are.
We have to be realistic when dating. If we don’t go on a bunch of dates we will never know for sure what we are missing and what we truly want.
How To Discover If You Are Too Picky
Are any of the following true for you?
- You’ve turned down more dates than you have been on.
- You won’t have a second date if they have an annoying ________ fill in the blank.
- You have stopped dating someone because they have farted or snored in their sleep.
- You believe all the good ones have been taken.
- You refuse to date someone because you have made a judgment about their character without proof. (Guilty before proven so.)
- You reject someone because of their texting grammar or spelling.
- Your dealbreaker list is longer than Santa’s naughty list.
- You have a height requirement and you are shorter than 5’5.”
- You won’t date someone with a little extra weight even though yours is subject to yo-yo-ing all over the place.
- Your list of rules and must-haves paints you into a corner where you remain dateless.
- You compare all potential dates to your ex (es).
- You are still angry with an ex and are sure all the ones you meet are “Just like them!”
- You make assumptions about their interest in you from texting habits, but refuse to acknowledge incoming texts from them.
- You won’t date someone based on height requirements.
- You won’t make adjustments or accommodations in order to make a date work.
- You only want one type and they are the ones that keep cheating, lying or leaving you.
What if Mr. or Ms. Right was your next date, but your judgment and stick up your butt keeps you from being flexible. What if the fact that they smoke a cigar every now and then is their only vice and they are emotionally available and good looking? What if the rules and regs you’ve created keep you from getting anywhere near a kiss or hand squeeze never mind a church aisle?
Women are notoriously picky about men. I know because I am one! Our rules are meant to be bent not steadfast. The perfect person for you may be just around the corner or the next e-mail. Ask yourself again which of the must-haves are ones you are willing to bend a little and see what glorious happiness is just the blink of a mascaraed eyelid away!
If you are tired of being lonely over the holidays and are ready to find a solid balanced relationship (no one is perfect) allow me to take your hand and guide you to get out of your way and find the love that will make you blush, squeal with delight and make your heart flutter. I am offering a free twenty-minute discovery session for those women seriously committed to finding love in early 2018. I know just what to do to guide, cheer you on, eliminate the judgment and limiting beliefs that are keeping love at bay. You deserve love and I’ll help you find it. Don’t wait, if it hasn’t happened yet what are you waiting for? Call me, (770) 480-5500 right now!
I’d love to hear your comments.
Published in Relationship