Confidentially Test For Infidelity

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The Alarming Statistics.

Did you know that 3% of children born in the United States are a product of infidelity? Most of these children are unknowingly raised by men who are not their biological fathers.

Did you know that 36% of men & women have an affair with a co-worker?

The infidelity rate in the United States has increased dramatically within the last twenty-five years. With the divorce rate in the getting higher every year, so too is cheating and infidelity in relationships.

Also, women’s intuition seems to be right when it comes to adultery. Nearly 85% of women who think their partner is cheating on them are correct. Men, on the other hand, seem to be overly suspicious of their partner and are right only 50% of the time they think their partner is cheating.

There are various reasons for cheating on a spouse or a committed relationship partner, ranging from a lack of satisfaction in the existing relationship to the presence of opportunity.

For women, the reason, in most cases, behind cheating on her husband is not sex. Most women cheat for an emotional connection. This fact is quite common among women over the age of 30. They start a relationship with another person for the sake of love and nothing else. When women are not satisfied emotionally they initiate an affair with some other person whom she trusts.

Men cheat for a single primary reason–sex. After children are born, many men do not see their wives as sex objects, but rather they just find them as maternal figures. Men find sex in long-term relationships as routine or mechanical. Such feelings make men involved with some other partner for the sake of physical adventure.

Infidelity can take place anytime during a relationship. However, there are certain times when the chances of cheating a partner can be higher. Also, there are certain conditions in a relationship which can gradually lead to such situation.

When Is Cheating More Likely To Occur?

After completing the first year of married life, the honeymoon period ends, and a couple settles into a routine life. This is the time when life becomes boring for some people and they start looking for some adventure outside their family which ultimately results in cheating.

Also, after the first child is born, couples suddenly find that priorities of life have changed. This occurrence can sometimes become too hard to handle. Due to the need to give your attention to someone other than your husband or wife, the emotional feelings between the two change a lot. So, affairs after the birth of first child are often noticed.

During the 5th to 7th year of married life, the chances of a husband or wife having an illicit affair is also high. This is due to the relationship running its natural course. Most of the goals have been achieved, and there seems to be nothing new in life. People start seeing others just to add some excitement in a life that now seems mundane. Affairs that occur during this period in a relationship tend to continue for the longest period of time.

Also, during middle age, which is also known as the mid-life crisis, the rate of infidelity is high. This is the time when children are grown and busy with their own lives. At this period a couple living together, with no children to care for, look for ways to establish a new identity. Hence, they try to start a new journey in their life by coming close to someone else.

What Can We Test?

Let’s assume you suspect your spouse or significant other is cheating. You notice the signs, and hope you’re wrong, but need to be sure for peace of mind. You can bring in an article of clothing like underwear or other items like bedsheets, pillow cases, condoms, sanitary napkins, etc.

We’ve even tested the floormat of the backseat of a car (the six-footer than spans over the mid-car hump) for a woman who was 8 months pregnant. Her husband attended a bachelor party and she decided to check the backseat area with a blacklight the following night. She said the floormat lite up like a Christmas tree, so we tested it and found no traces of semen. She said her sister insisted she test the floormat to put it to rest and ease her mind, and if she didn’t, her spouse’s fidelity would forever be a question mark in her mind.

How Do We Test?

A couple of tests are appropriate depending on the circumstances. For example, you are having consistent intimate relations with your spouse / significant other but suspect them of cheating. We can test an article of clothing (or other items) that might have a suspicious stain present. We would first test the stain to see if seminal fluid is present. If we find seminal fluid, the chances increase that there is semen and vaginal cells. If there is semen & vaginal cells, the chances are good that we can test and develop a genetic profile associated with the sample.

We would normally take a buccal swab (cheek swab) (DNA sample) from you to compare your DNA to the DNA we extract from the item. If there is a match, all is right as the sample is yours. If the samples do not match, there is a third party involved.

Let’s now suppose you and your spouse / significant other have been separated for a period of time. Maybe you’ve been away on a work assignment, in the military, etc. You come home and find a suspicious stain in their underwear. You know it is not yours and you want to be sure they’ve been faithful and have peace of mind.

We can test the item for seminal fluid only and skip the DNA analysis. If we find seminal fluid and you have not been intimate for a period of time, the sample (stain) did not likely come from you. There very well be a third party involved.

There may be some who suspect a partner of cheating and prefer not to know and that is fine. On the other hand, it serves to ease the mind and eliminate a constant state of suspicion to have the items tested in a confidential way. No one needs to know but you. Contact SonicTest Labs for more information.


Divorce Statistics Website;

SonicTest Labs empirical knowledge through practical experience.

Gary F. Patrone is CEO of SonicTest LabsTM and owns three labs (Tempe, Phoenix, Mesa) operating within the Phoenix Valley. Gary serves both corporate and private clients in drug, alcohol, DNA, occupational health and wellness and on-site testing services, creates workplace policies for both D.O.T. and non-mandated companies and manages consortiums and random testing programs for corporate and private clients. He can test powders, pills, capsules, liquids, food items, syringes and a variety of other items for drugs, heavy metals, unknown chemicals & toxins. Gary is a member of the Tempe-South Rotary Club, an Ambassador of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce, member of the Business Development Committee, member of the Advisory Council for Brookline College and PIMA Medical Institute. Gary has authored articles for the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA), the Arizona Small Business Association, the United States Drug Testing Laboratories (USDTL) and writes a monthly column for the Arizona Republic.

Published in Investigation
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